The Caveman team explores the effects of a seemingly-innocuous ingredient that may be hijacking your fitness and health without you even realizing it.
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The nutrition label can be a useful tool in determining whether or not your food is healthy - but only if you know what to look for. Today, the Caveman team explains what to look for on a nutrition label so you can avoid junk food masquerading as healthy options.
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As these unusual times necessitate, our team has been making the best of being quarantined at home by trying all kinds of activities. After gathering a list of the most successful ideas, we thought we’d share them with you here.
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Last week reviewed and compared five research studies that aimed to uncover how the Paleo Diet can affect our health and wellbeing. Our take!
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Paleo combines better eating with healthy living – that’s something we all want. One of the great qualities of eating Paleo is that you can tailor it to your individual nutrition and health goals. You don't have to be "strict...
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